A. Local Church Administration

Witness Lee, assessing the current situation of local church management, asks a very pertinent question: “The worldly method has been rejected, and the natural wisdom has been reckoned worthless. But, where is the proper way for the management of a church?” (Witness Lee, Elders’ Management, 7). Watchman Nee and Witness Lee co-labored for many years to raise up numerous local churches. Thus, both Watchman Nee and Witness Lee had much first-hand, intimate knowledge of the practical administrative needs of the local churches, as well as the underlying scriptural and spiritual principles of local church administration.

From the Bible, we see, on the one hand, that the church is the house of God (1 Tim. 3:15), and on the other hand, that it is the Body of Christ (Eph. 1:23). It is a household made up of many people, and it is also an organically constituted Body. In the aspect of the house of God, the church is an organization of many people. In the aspect of the Body of Christ, it is an organic entity. Although the house of God includes all of God’s children, its chief manifestation is within the boundaries of a locality. Although the Body of Christ is seen in many places, its most important manifestation is the inclusion of all of the children of God. The chief manifestation of the house of God is in the local churches. The chief manifestation of the Body of Christ is in all the believers throughout the ages all over the earth. The house of God is visible, and it refers to the outward appearance of the church. The Body of Christ is spiritual and in life. It is organic and cannot be organized by man. Man can do things in the aspect of the house of God. However, there is no room for man’s hand in the aspect of the Body of Christ. He is the absolute Head and Lord.
Since the church has these two aspects, there are also two aspects to its organization—offices and gifts. Offices are related to the aspect of the house of God. The house of God directs and guides through the offices. The gifts are related to the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ is built up and brought on through the gifts.

(Watchman Nee, Collected Works, Set 2, Vol. 25, 109)

Witness Lee and Watchman Nee were like-minded in their understanding and presentation of the truths regarding the universal church and the local church. Watchman Nee expounds in more detail on local church management through the offices of elders and deacons on the next page. Other quotes by Witness Lee and Watchman Nee concerning local church management can be viewed in the “more quotes” section.

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